Monday, March 22, 2021

Another fabulous cake!

 Cake by C posted a strawberry Biscoff cake.  It called to me because I finally broke down and decided to try to make it.  The cake was a Biscoff cake that you cut in half so you have four layers.  I did two layers of cookie butter/Biscoff frosting and then the middle layer was strawberry frosting with small pieces of strawberries.  The outside frosting was a strawberry buttercream that was amazing!  I thought it was too thick at first so I thinned it down.  But then when I frosted the cake it was too thin and wouldn't stay up in some places.  Then I crushed some Biscoff cookies for the top.  The cake was amazing!!  I shared some with Jen and she was impressed.  The cake was a lot of work but it was delicious!

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