Friday, October 30, 2020


 Matt was taking some sod down to his parents so he had the trailer hooked up to his truck.  He was parked in front of the trailer.  Last night he told Chase,  "just be careful backing up because I'm parked there.  Don't hit my truck!"  Well, Chase was in a hurry the next morning and backed into Matt's truck. He walked back into the house and said "I hit dad's truck!"  I took a few seconds to compose myself but I didn't swear at him.  He looked so upset.  I went over and gave him a big hug and said that I knew it was an accident.   Luckily it wasn't too bad.  It scratched Matt's truck front bumper.  Most of the damage was to Chase's car.  It broke his right back tail light and then made several scratches to his bumper and bent it a little.  We figured that if we fixed it, then someone would hit it in the high school parking lot.  So Chase will drive around with a few scratches.  

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