Monday, October 5, 2020

Bridger made the top CVE basketball team!!!

 Bridger decided that he wanted to play basketball again with CVE.  His awesome coach, Dallin has been coming over once a week since this summer to work with Bridger to improve his skills.  His shot is looking really good!  CVE had a two day tryout.  Bridger was thrilled when he learned that he made the top team (black team) again!  We were so relieved when his friend Kolton also made the team so that helps a ton with carpooling.  We know a few of the kids from last year but it looks like it's going to be a great group of young men.  We're thrilled that Dalln, coach Malm will be coaching this team again!  He's such great example for the boys and he's wonderful to build them up.  

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