Monday, May 11, 2020

More Yard Work

On Saturday, we stopped by J&J's (along with half of Davis County).  We bought 2 Dawyack Beech Trees for our backyard.  We wanted a little bit bigger tree so we forked out the bucks and paid $200/tree!  But they are beautiful trees!  They're 7-8 feet tall.  We put one just right off the porch to hopefully provide a little shade and then one to the right of our bedroom.  We also put one Skinny Jeans Oak tree on the left side of our bedroom, in front of our bathroom window.  I like the contrast of the green tree with the red beech tree.  A week ago, I bought a bunch of stuff and filled in our rock walls in the back yard.  I planted some spirea, euonymus, Stella O day Lillies, Rose of Sharon, mini forsythia, boomerang lilac bush, and some daisies.  I hope they survive.  It looks so much better!!!

We also planted a bakerii pine tree out in our island out front.  Then we added some perennials to fill it in.  We put some mini butterfly bushes, more lilies, dianthus, dwarf nine bark.  I love how it's all coming together.  It makes such a difference.

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