Saturday, October 5, 2019

Women's Conference

Mylissa was able to get tickets to the General Women's Conference for her, Maddie, Julie, Mom, Marilyn, Shantelle, Aliyah, and me.  We met at LA for dinner.  Rob, Dad and Caleb ran into Matt, Chase, Bridger and Tanner at CB.  They were heading to the Jazz game.  Matt sent me this cute picture of Caleb and Tanner and said "guess who we ran into at dinner?" I love how Tanner has his arm around Caleb.  Matt was meeting up with a couple of missionary companions.  One of them was in town from Australia.
We had a great time at the Women's Conference.  The talks were so uplifting!  The entire first presidency talked to us.  President Nelson's talk focus on the priesthood and how it relates to women. It was very powerful.  He emphasized that just because someone holds the priesthood doesn't make them better or more righteous.  If we honor our temple covenants, we have the priesthood with us.  At the end of his talk, he announced the new temples that will be built.  It was a very special meeting.  I was so grateful that we could go together.
Mom asked the server at dinner if we could have some extra lemons.  She told him that she loves lemons.  So he brought her a full plate of lemons.

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