Saturday, August 17, 2019

Soccer Game with the R's

We carried on the tradition and gave Dad and Marilyn tickets to the R soccer game for their birthdays.  Everyone jumped on board but Bud's family.  Hopefully one day they'll come with us.  We met at C B for dinner.  Then we celebrated Hazel's birthday and watched her open a few presents.  Everything is so magical when you're three.
This is one of my favorite things that we do during the summer.  I love that we all get together and enjoy one soccer game.  I was trying to figure out how long we've been doing this and I was thinking around 13-14 years.  It's a great tradition.

Mylissa's family has season tickets so we switched up the kids so they could sit by each other.  Julie sat with us and Chase took her seat with them.  At half time, we had Caleb and Tanner come sit with us because we have empty seats by us.  Dad bought big icey drinks for everyone at half time.  The kids loved it!  It was a fun night being together.

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