Sunday, December 2, 2018


We kicked off the Christmas season with the Nativity with the A's.  Chelsy and Austin and little Calvin were in town so we had the party with them.  We also celebrated Ashtyn's birthday.  Charlene wanted Tanner and Ella to dress up like Joseph and Mary and have Calvin be baby Jesus.  But Calvin was asleep and Tanner had a really bad cough.  Mikayla helped us with Tanner's costume because I forgot to bring things.  Before we started the Nativity, Santa stopped by for a little visit.  Tanner was mesmerized and had the happiest look on his face when Santa showed up.  All the kids took a turn sitting on Santa's lap.  Chase was a good sport and even sat on Santa's lap.

Because Calvin was sleeping, Angie went out and got the plastic baby Jesus from Ardell and Charlene's outside nativity.  The little Jesus looked blue so it made us laugh.

After the nativity, Charlene and Ardell gave the kids their ornaments.  Tanner got a Lightening McQueen car ornament.  Bridger got a basketball ornament with a picture of him in it.  Then Chase got a football with a picture of him having his ACL surgery.   Charlene tries so hard and does such a great job in picking out the right ornament for each grandkid.

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