Friday, December 14, 2018

Bridger's Indoor Soccer

Bridger's soccer team decided to do an indoor soccer league over in L.  They had enough boys on the team to do two teams.  I think they split the teams really evenly.  Bridger was bummed that Bentley wasn't on his team.  Most of the games were in the mornings.  I was worried it was going to overlap with basketball but everything worked out.  He didn't miss a game.  It just made it so we had super busy Saturdays.

The coach would let Bridger play goalie for the second half if they were being blown out of the water.  The most goals ever scored on Bridger were two.  (The other goalies had a lot more).  Bridger seemed to enjoy playing goalie but luckily he likes scoring goals better.  Some of the games were really rough when we played the top teams.  But it was a good experience for the boys.

 Bridger's last game was an awesome game to end on because they won 7-3.  Bridger and his friend Micah both got "hat tricks" (3 goals).  Bridger was so happy!!!

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