Monday, May 14, 2018

Tanner's Preschool Graduation

Bridger's preschool class did pictures a couple of weeks before the school year ended.  Tanner loves his preschool shirt and wants to wear it every day.

Tanner's graduation was so cute!  Ms. Ginger had the kids sing the songs that they had learned during the year.  She had each child come out and announce their name into a microphone.  I was worried that Tanner would be too scared, but he was very brave and said his name very clearly.

After the kids came out and said their name, they took on the steps for the program.  Tanner found me in the audience and was all smiles.  He kept flashing me the "I love you" sign.  He knows how to melt my heart.

Ms. Shelly, Ms. Kayla, Tanner, Ms. Ginger and Ms. Sierra
Tanner's had a great year at Small Wonders Preschool.  He's made lots of friends.  He loves making crafts.  He loves singing time.  Every time I pick him up, he has a big smile on his face.

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