Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bridger's Teacher's Baby Shower

Bridger's teacher is due with a baby boy in August.  For the class's last party, the room moms threw her a baby shower.  We played a few baby shower games.  Then Mrs. H opened up some presents.  The class was so sweet to give her some gifts.  We gave her some board books and a cute little outfit. She sent us the sweetest gift expressing her appreciation.  She's been one of the best teachers Bridger has had.  She is strict but she still knows how to have fun and be loving with the kids.

Bridger was a member of the student council.  Mrs. Hawkins wrote: "you have done a great job reprinting the students at G E.  Thank you for all your hard work and support you have given me throughout the year as a member of the student council.  I wish you much success in the future.  Thank, Mrs. Hawkins"  He had a student council every Wednesday morning at 7:30 (an hour before school started). He only missed a couple of times.  Student council didn't turn out to be what he thought it was going to be but he still enjoyed it.  He was disappointed that he never got to do announcements over the intercom.  

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