Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sheet Rock!!

We were so excited to see our sheet rock show up.  They delivered a huge truck load of sheet rock.  Then the following week, the sheet rock crew showed up.  We were planning on three weeks to sheet rock and mud but they were super fast.  They were one of the best crews we've had working on our house.  They were so quick to put up the sheet rock and then mud it.  They were a decent size crew of about 3-5 guys, depending on the day.  They worked long hours and pounded out the project.  They got it all done in two weeks.  We were so impressed with them!  They did a great job!  Now it's really looking like a house and it's fun to see the real dimensions of the rooms.
Tanner's room

The formal sitting room and then the office.  

Sheet rocking around the stairs was a challenge but we were impressed with how they didn't let it slow them down.  They did a great job with all of the arches.  
I love my big family room with the big windows!  It's looking so good!  The top picture is during the mess of sheet rocking.  Then you can see it all cleaned up and what a great job they did.
This the the laundry room.

Our master bedroom.  It's really looking like a house.

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