Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chase's Art Project

This is Chase's art project that he completed for his mid-term assignment.  He had to choose an animal and he chose a pig.  Then he had to find "house hold items" to create the animal.  Angie and Mikayla took him and Bridger to the DI one afternoon to get some ideas.  They found a few good items.  I have to admit that I bought a basket and pink towels that came in handy for his project.  I think Chase did a great job on his project.  He came down with the flu Tuesday morning before school started.  His teacher at the beginning of the term had every student sign a statement saying that if they did not turn in their project the day it was due, they would receive an F.  So I brought his pig over to the school and made sure they took it right down to his art class. Chase received an A on his project!   Chase ended up missing three days of school.  Finally on Friday he returned to school.  Bridger also got the flu and missed a couple of days of school.  Luckily Matt never got it.  

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