Saturday, April 1, 2017

Potty Training

I've been working on potty training Tanner.  He's done a great job at going pee but he has no desire to go poo in the toilet.  We bought a "Little Critter" book about going on the potty.  I captured this sweet moment one night.  Bridger was trying to help Tanner so he was reading to him while he sat on the toilet. 

Mom kept telling me that I was turning it into a battle.  So I backed off and bought another package of diapers.  On Tuesday, Tanner sat on the potty with no prompting and went poo!!!  I thought that it was a fluke because he's gone a few times but it's very sporadic.  But then later in the day he went again!!  I told him he was such a big boy so we changed him into underwear.  The next day he went potty while I was in the shower all by himself.  He's gone five straight days in underwear with no accidents.  I think the Lord knew I needed something happy!  I'm really hoping that he's turned a corner and that we can be done with the diaper phase.  
Luckily,  Tanner was my easiest child to potty train.  He's only had two accidents!  I probably pushed it too much with the older boys.  He sits on the toilet really weird to go poo but it works for him!  

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