Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall Break in BL

Kaye and Allan were so generous and offered us their cabin over fall break again.  Everyone had Thursday and Friday off so we were able to be together.  Mom and Shan came up on Wednesday afternoon.  I was frantically trying to finish Chase's football scrapbook so we didn't leave until 9:00PM!!  Luckily we made it safely!  Chase was so sweet to stay awake and talk to me so I wouldn't fall asleep.  Mares came up Friday with Dad. Robby came up late Friday night.  Matt was supposed to be off but he had to cover for Layne on Thursday and then worked on the house afterwards.  So he came up late Thursday night.   We saw lots and lots of deer.

We went for a couple of walks.  There was one afternoon that we saw a moose in the backyard but then it went into the trees.  So Shan and the kids walked down the road to see if they could see it.  Shan was in her pjs and it was hysterical when a car drove by because they gave her a funny look but she just waved.  Mom and I were cracking up.   Shan and Dad took the kids for a walk on Saturday.  I love the picture of Dad hiding behind the kids.  He's so funny!

Matt and I were invited to go to the temple with Sophie and Kyle on Saturday.  We've been teaching them the temple preparation classes and they chose Saturday to go through for their endowments and sealing.  I felt so torn because I didn't want to be away from our family but then when we talked to the boys about it, they said we should support Kyle and Sophie.  So we went home late Friday night because we had to be to the B Temple by 8:30.  Once we were in the temple, I was really glad that we made the decision to support them. It was a special day!  Right as I walked into the dressing room, I ran into Sophie and she looked beautiful!  I gave a big hug.
We split the meals up between Shan, Mylissa and I so we only had to fix one big meal so it worked out perfectly.  We ate lots of good food!

 The weather was really cold on Thursday so I didn't ride my bike.  But on Friday it warmed up and was a beautiful day.  I had a gorgeous bike ride out to the North Shore.  It was deserted.  

Unfortunately early Sunday morning I started with the GI flu!!  Shan had been sick earlier in the week but thought she was better when she came up.  Hazel threw up on Thursday so I probably got it from their family but oh well, that's how life is.  The flu hit me so hard and I couldn't get off of the floor.  Originally I was going to stay until Monday with the boys and Shan and her family but I was so sick I just wanted to go home.  Everyone pitched in and cleaned the cabin while I just laid on the floor.  I was too sick to drive home so Mom drove my van while Mares followed her to my house.  Matt and the boys unloaded everything.  The next day Chase and Bridger both came down with the flu too.  It was a nasty bug because they missed three days of school.  It took me almost a week to kick it.  I haven't been that sick for a long time!!!

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