Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Eli's Home!!!

After two years of serving a faithful mission, Elder Eli Blair came home from Oregon.  Kip invited us to come to the airport and I'm so glad we did.  It was awesome to see Eli coming down the escalator and to see him embrace his families.  Eli's been such a great example to my boys.  They've written Eli some letters over the last two years.  I'm so proud of Eli!!!
It was so great to visit with Brent and Becky.  Oh how I've missed them!!! They will always have a special place in my heart.
After Eli had gone around hugging all of his family and friends, he came over and gave us big hugs.  Matt was disappointed because he had to stay home and work.  Bridger whispered in my ear "Can I get a picture with just me and Eli?"  So this picture makes me smile!!!
We went back down to AF on August 9th for Eli's homecoming.  He started off his talk by saying "the bishopric has asked me to talk on chastity."  There was a quick moment of shocked silence and multiple heads popping up and then Eli said "just kidding."  It made me laugh so hard.  I love his sense of humor.  It was awesome to look around and see all of our Minnesota family there to support Kip and Jeff.  We had a great time back at the Blair Wood house visiting.  We will always be close with our Minnesota family.

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