Thursday, July 23, 2015

Celebrating Pioneer Day at L

Our favorite ride this season has been Cannibal.  We convinced Dad to go on it one time.  We told him he's probably the only 70 year old that's brave enough to go on it.  He's such a good sport.  At the end of the ride we started to crack up because Dad's hair was wild!!!  Matt told Dad not to touch it until after a picture.  We had a good laugh over it.   We celebrated the pioneer holiday by going to L the day before.  We slept over so we could celebrate the real holiday the next day.  We had a fun time at L.  Mom, Dad, and Marilyn came over later in the day with lunch.  We celebrated Aliyah's birthday too.

We had such a fun day together.  Matt left around 4:00 to go back to work but at least he was able to play with us for a little bit.  Maddie, Chase, and Bridger wanted to go on the Terror Ride for the first time.  Bridger got off the ride and said "now that's dumb!"  They're funny!!!

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