Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Our flight out of Puerto Rico was cancelled for Thursday so it threw our plans off.  We weren't able to get out of Puerto Rico until Friday because of the big storm hitting the East coast.  We enjoyed our extra day in Puerto Rico.  I told Matt that I didn't want to go anywhere I just wanted a relaxing day.  So we slept in, then went and worked out and then sat by the pool for a couple of hours.  It was a perfect way to end our trip.  We flew out on Friday around 1:00.  It was a long day flying but we finally made it home around 10:00P.M.  Mom and Marilyn picked us up at the airport.  The boys were waiting for us with these awesome signs.  I have to admit that I teared up.  It was so good to see the boys!!!  We missed them so much!  Matt joked that it was a great Valentine's day because he didn't have to buy me any flowers or presents. Our trip was a great Valentine's present.

Luckily the boys made their Valentine boxes at school.  Grandma helped them with their Valentines.  She bought a cookie kit so on Saturday we frosted the cookies and ate them.  The boys got a Disney Infinity character and a cool new summer outfit.

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