Friday, July 5, 2013

Lagoon with Angie and the Girls

 Angie really wanted to take the boys to Lagoon with the girls so we worked it out for the boys to sleep over at Grandma A's house.  Unfortunately Matt and I had to work.  The boys had so much fun with Angie and the girls.  Angie let Bridger play a game and he chose a basketball one.  He mainly chose it because of the octopus hat.  Just what every kids wants.  But he is so happy with his silly hat.  Chase loved going on the bigger ride with the the girls.  Bridger isn't tall enough for a few rides.  But he loves to go on the other crazy rides like Wicked and The Fire Dragon.  The boys are both dare devils!!!

Angie was so sweet to meet me after work at the hospital.  Bridger fell asleep on the ride home.  He put his hat over his eyes so he could sleep.  It cracked us up!!!!  Thanks Angie for the great day!!!

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