Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy President's Day!

Bridger has learned all about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington in school the past couple of weeks.  He learned about George Washington's 3 corner hat.  He was able to make one too.  Then he colored a picture of Abraham Lincoln.  He was so excited to show it to me.  He asked me "Do you know why he has a big frowny face?"  I asked "why?"  He said "it's because Abraham Lincoln was sad that there were slaves!"  It was so sweet!
 The boys were able to wear mustaches to school for a non-bullying day.  The theme was "we mustache (must ask) you to be nice to others."  Something like that.  So the night before, we practiced what kind of facial hair they wanted.  I had to work so I was a little bit worried about passing it off to Matt, but you can see that he exceeded my expectations.  The boys look so manly!  He sent me this picture at work.  I laughed out loud!

We've had something wonderful happen at our house......the boys finally eat cereal with milk!!!!! Yea!! We were at the store and I said that they had to pick out a cereal that they would eat with milk because I'd had enough!  I'm sick of fixing them hot chocolate every morning.  They can mix things up a little bit.  They can be like other kids and eat cereal!  So Bridger picked out cocoa puffs and Chase chose Trix.  I didn't care that they were both sugar cereals.  I'm looking at it as baby steps.  The next morning they both ate their cereals with milk!!!!  I texted Matt this picture and told him about our momentous morning!!!

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