Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fun times with the Medonza's

Angie took us on a hike one morning while the girls were in school. The boys found "walking sticks."  It was a great adventure for us.  We've had such a wonderful time with the Mendoza's.  They spoil us rotten while we're visiting.  We love spending time with them!
So the boys loved playing the wii with Mikayla and her friend Emily.  Their favorite game was Mario Brothers.  They went wild while they were playing it.  Mikayla and her friend Emily scream while they play it so now the boys scream too.  It gets CRAZY!  But the boys love it!
Mikayla was in a softball tournament while we were there so we were able to go to a couple of her games.  The last one was the best game because her team won the championship!  We loved watching Mikayla play softball.  She is a great athlete.  She has such a great attitude and is very kind to everyone around her.  Great job Mikayla!  We're so proud of you.

Sammee has been so sweet with the boys.  They love hanging out with her.  Sammee is very loving with the boys.  She is always giving them hugs and kisses.  She never gets tired of throwing the ball to them or chasing them around.  

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