Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Bridger wanted to be Spiderman again.  I think it's his third year being Spiderman.  The costume is getting a little snug on him so I told him it was his last year wearing it.  He loves the costume!  Chase wanted to be a tackle football player.  I told him I wasn't going to buy that costume and we couldn't find any neighbors with it.  But on Sunday, the Pictures saved us.  They said we could borrow their son's football uniform that he used when he was in high school last year.  Chase was so excited to wear a real football uniform and pads. It was huge on him but he didn't care.

I spent the day at the school at the boys parties.  They have amazing teachers this year.  They had a lot of fun at their parties.  Bridger had his parade in the morning.  His teacher was Batwoman.  When he went into Chase's classroom, Bridger went up to Chase and gave him a hug.  Bridger came with me to Chase's parade in the afternoon.  His teacher was a graduating student.

Matt went trick or treating with the boys.  By 6:00 they were ready to go.  Bridger took a little break and stayed with me for a while and then went back out.  It was hard on his little body keeping up with the big kids.  When the boys got home they dumped out all their candy and sorted it out.  Chase got 114 pieces of candy.  That's a lot of sugar!  It was a fun night.

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