Saturday, October 8, 2011

BYU Football Game

 At the last minute, a neighbor gave us 4 tickets to a BYU football game.  The game didn't start until 8:00PM.  Plus is was supposed to be cold, so I wasn't very excited about it.  But we decided it might be our only game of the season that we get to go to so we bundled up and went.  We were so worried about being cold that we over dressed.  So we were all very comfortable.  We never were freezing which was good.  We lucked out because some people didn't show up around our seats so we had lots of room to spread out.  The boys loved going to the game.  Chase is so funny how into football he gets.  He's very attentive to all the details.  Everyone loved watching the game and eating yummy treats.  It was a fun night.  By the end of the fourth quarter, Bridger was getting really tired so he snuggled up to me on my lap.  He fell asleep in my arms.  It's been a long time since he's fallen asleep in my arms.  I couldn't believe how big my "baby" has gotten.  Time sure does fly by!

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