Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Matt's 40th Birthday

Matt's birthday was a little anticlimatic following his surprise party over the weekend. We went out to dinner to Texas Roadhouse. We invited Robby and Shantelle to come with us. Plus Michael C. was staying with us so it was fun to have him come too. I told our waitress that it was Matt's birthday while he was taking Bridger to the bathroom. When he came back, he said to me "don't tell them it's my birthday cause I don't want to sit on the saddle." Oops, too late. When we were finished with our food, our waitress came out with the saddle and announced to everyone that it was Matt's 40th birthday. Matt was a good sport and sat on the saddle while everyone say "ye ha!" I was so bummed that I forgot to bring the camera. After dinner we came home and opened presents. He really wanted a new computer but it wasn't available on his birthday so he had to wait a couple of months. So when the computer finally came, he was so happy! He loves his new mac.

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