Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! The Easter bunny came to our house Saturday morning and brought the boys BYU shirts and some church sing-a-long DVD's. They were so excited. Sunday we had Stake Conference so after church we came home and decorated eggs. I always love decorating eggs. It reminds me of decorating eggs when I was a kid and how Dad would make speckled eggs. Right after we finished, I started to crack an egg for sandwiches. Matt said "can't we enjoy them a little before we eat them?" Nope, I was hungry. Even the boys ate egg salad sandwiches. Yummy!

We went up and had a wonderful Easter dinner with the Richins family. Mom and Dad organized a little Easter Egg hunt in the toy room. The boys loved hunting for candy. We also celebrated Matt and Chase's birthdays.

Later that night, we went over to the Adams for a little party. We also celebrated Matt and Chase's birthdays. Grandpa and Grandma gave Chase a set of scriptures and a bag. He was so excited to finally have his own scriptures. He acted like he had just discovered a treasure. I loved watching him look through his new scriptures.

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