Monday, May 5, 2014

Tanner's Newborn Pictures

While we were in the hospital, a professional photographer came around and offered their company's services.  Shantelle used them with Lilian and we were impressed.  The gal came in and spent about 30 minutes taking pictures of Tanner.  I really wanted a lot with the blue blanket that Shantelle had made but she only got a few.  She edited the pictures outside of our room and then came back with the finished product.  It was a little pricey but we decided it was worth it to have Tanner's newborn pictures done.  This way I don't need to worry about taking him to a studio.  They're all done.  We asked her why you couldn't really tell that Tanner's hair is red and she said she took some of the red out of the photos to lighten the birth mark between his eyes and on his right eye.  

Towards the end of the photo session, Tanner was getting really hungry so she would put the binki in his mouth to stop him from fussing and then quickly take it out for a picture.  I like that she got some pictures of him awake.

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