Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tanner 3 Weeks Old

Tanner is three weeks old.  I can't believe how much he is growing.  I had to take a picture of him in his car seat because it shows how much he's grown since we brought him home from the hospital.  Everyone loves to hold Tanner!  He gets lots of loves!

I noticed with Chase and Bridger that they're are hardly any pictures of me holding them.  So I had Chase take this picture of me holding Tanner even though I don't have any makeup on.  I want to remember the simple times.  I love just sitting on the couch snuggling with him!
I love Tanner's face in this picture.  He looks so serious.  He has such a grumpy face.  Tanner loves his binkis that Kip gave him.  It's so sweet to see him holding on to them.  We keep the puppy one downstairs and the giraffe upstairs.  They've been a great gift!

We have pictures of Chase and Bridger in their "dresses" so we had to get one of Tanner in his "dress."  These nightgowns make it so much easier to change them at night.  I love it when Tanner sucks on his little fingers.  It so cute because he acts so surprised that he found them.

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