Friday, May 9, 2014

Chase's Choir Concert

Choir started back up in January for Chase. They've been working on these song for a long time! Mr. B was the director this spring and he was fantastic.  I was so impressed with they way he worked with the students.  They started working on the songs from Les Miserables first.  I was very impressed the teacher wanted to tackle such hard songs.  They sang a Les Miserables medley which was awesome!  They sang 11 songs for the concert.  My favorite song was the "Mom song."  It's all about everything a mom does and says.  The last song of the concert was "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen.  Mr. B invited the audience to sing the song with the students.  It was so cute to hear all the little kids in the audience singing this song especially Bridger.  He was belting it out.  Chase did such a great job learning all the songs.  He's a great singer!!! Grandma and Grandpa A, Marilyn, and Grandpa and Grandma R came down for the concert.  We didn't want anyone to miss the concert by staying home with Tanner so we covered him up and snuck him in just as the concert was starting and then we headed straight home when it ended.  

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