Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year's Eve

On our way home from Chase's JD basketball tournament, we stopped by the A's and visited with them.  We ordered some Chinese food and ate dinner with them.  By the time we got home it was around 9:00.  We kept it a low key night.  Chase invited some friends over.  Bridger and Tanner played video games together.  At midnight, we busted out the the bubbly and celebrated the New Year.  Hopefully 2021 will be better than 2020.  There were some big challenges related to COVID but we also had some really great family time together during the quarantine.  

Tanner made some New Years Resolutions at school.  He made a darling picture of him holding his resolutions.  His resolutions are: "to be a better reader, be nice to my brothers, to be nice to everybody."  What great goals for the year.  

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