Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tanner's Fall Art

 The first month of school, Tanner had to draw a self portrait and then write some things about himself.  I love his self portrait!!!!  He said he likes friends (frns).  He enjoys school (skool). His family loves him.  November 4, 2020

For Tanner's writing assignment, he was asked "What do you want to be when you grow up."  Tanner said that he wants to be a nurse anesthetist.  I loved the picture Tanner drew to go with it.  It's an operating room.  He drew someone on the OR table and he has a sad face.  November 25, 2020

The first grade teachers were reading the story of the Gingerbread Man so they encouraged everyone to create a gingerbread man.  I remembered the night before it was due and Tanner had already had gone to bed.  So I pulled out some crafty things and had Tanner design it before he went to school.  He did a great job!  He wanted his gingerbread man to have orange hair.  December 2, 2020

Tanner leaned about water color painting.  He painted s picture of Rudolf using water color painting.  He did a great job!  December 3, 2020

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