Sunday, August 30, 2020

Our first cake!

Jen introduced me to Cakes by C.  So I've been obsessed with looking at her cakes.  Matt and the boys gave me some cake making tools for Mother's Day.  All summer, Bridger and I kept saying that we were going to make one of her cakes.  The day before school started, Bridger, Tanner and I made her Chocolate Salted Caramel cake.  The cake part wasn't hard.  I tried to make her homemade caramel sauce but I burnt it.  I cheated and used a jar of store bought caramel sauce and then added sea salt.  The frosting used two cubes of butter!  We did the first layer and then put it in the freezer for 10 minutes.  Then we took it out and traded off frosting it.  Bridger and I were so proud of our cake.  It turned out really delicious.  It was super rich.  I sent pictures to my family.  Luckily we saw them a couple of days later so I took them some leftovers.  Maddie said "why would they want to share with us when it's this good?"  You can only overdose on so much cake.  It made a lot!  

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