Saturday, August 1, 2020

Chase's Four Wheel Accident

Chase and his friend Kyzer took the four wheelers out.  After a couple of hours, I started to get worried about them.  When they finally came home, Chase had a big gash in his left leg.  He was going over a mound of dirt and didn't realize it dropped off.  He did a nose dive and rolled the four wheeler.  Luckily he had a helmet on and the four wheeler didn't land on his chest or abdomen.  But it did land on his left leg.  Somehow a part on the four wheeler punctured his leg and made a really deep gash.  By some miracle, he didn't break his leg.  We know he was protected!!!  
  The minute I saw his wound, I knew he needed stitches.  So we went to the hospital for about 90 minutes.  The doctor wanted to do an x-ray of his leg just to make sure there wasn't any debris in it.  The x-ray came back clean.  So then the doctor stitched him up.  The gash was down to the bone.  He did five stitches on the deeper layer and then 10 stitches on the top layer.  Chase was very brave.  He has several abrasions and bruises on his leg.  I still can't believe he didn't break his leg.  He was very lucky!!1

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