Saturday, June 6, 2020

Mini Prom

Chase originally asked a girl to Prom.  That night she said "Yes" on social media.  But then the next day, she said that she forgot that another guy had asked her.  I was fuming.  But Chase took it really well.  So when we got back from BL, Chase and a couple of his friends went to ask another girl.  She lived farther away than they thought so they were out past curfew.  Chase rolled through a stop sign and there happened to be a policeman monitoring the intersection.  He pulled Chase over and asked what he was doing out past curfew.  Chase was very polite and told the officer that we was asking a girl to prom.  The policeman asked if she said yes and Chase said "I sure hope so because the first girl said no."  Luckily the policeman had a good sense of humor and let him get off with a warning.  But we got a good laugh out of it.  On March 7th, Ellie answered Chase for Prom.  She said " I'd love to Roll to Prom with you."  Chase's group decided that they wanted to wear suits and not tuxedos.  We bought Chase a nice grey suit.  He looks so handsome!!!
  Because of COVID, Prom was cancelled.  His group ended up doing a "Mini Prom."  During COVID, one of Chase's friends broke up with his date and hooked up with Chase's date.  So Lexi, the original girl came back and said "I blew it the first time, will you go to Prom with me."  Chase is so easy going and very nice.  He agreed to take Lexi. Their group consisted of 10 couples.  They went to dinner at Maddox and then went back to a barn that Josh and Easton had cleaned out.  They danced for three hours.  Really the boys danced for one hour and the girls danced for three hours.  But Chase still had a fun time and was glad that he went.

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