Friday, July 12, 2019

Chase CV Soccer Tournament

Chase hesitantly agreed to play fall competitive soccer.  One of the assistant soccer coaches, Gideon, put together a team with some of the high school kids.  They signed up to play in the CV tournament. At first, Chase didn't know if he'd be able to make it to any of the games because of his work schedule.  But he switched his shifts around and was able to make it to all three games.  They didn't make it to the championship game but Chase was ok with that because he had to work.  I love watching Chase play soccer!  He's worked so hard to come back to sports.  It makes me happy seeing him out on the field (and nervous).  He's a great soccer player.

Chase has been disappointed that he's not playing football because the majority of this friends are playing.  (After two different doctors tell you that you need to be done with football, it's probably a good idea to listen even though it's hard to sit out).  His coach had him take the corner kicks.  He's got a really strong kick and most of the time, nails it close to the goal.

After his first game, I took Tanner and Chase to my favorite restaurant in L called Hermes.  Chase and Tanner were very impressed with the giant cinnamon swirl pancake.  Tanner was a good sport and cheered Chase on.  We tried to stay in the shade because it was 95*!  Chase's poor feet do not like his new cleats that he got this past spring.  He had a huge blister on his big toe after the first game.  He didn't want to play in the second game but his coach told him that they needed him.  So he put some mole skin on it and played.  The mole skin didn't stay on.  Chase was super tough and kept playing!

I love this picture of Tanner and Chase.  There's a special bond between these boys!  Tanner idolizes Chase and Chase is so sweet with Tanner.

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