Thursday, July 11, 2019

Bridger Scout Camp

Bridger came home a day early from the cabin so he could go to scout camp.  At first I was going to run him up once we got home from the cabin but then I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find their camp site.  The W's were heading home a day early because of girls camp so they took Bridger home with them and dropped Bridger off at our house.  Matt and Chase were able to have Bridger all packed.  Bridger got home and 30 minutes later, he was heading off to scout camp.  Layne was recently called as the new Scout Master (2nd counselor in the Young Mens Presidency).  The boys stayed in a camp site that was close to Tony's Grove.  They fished, and went hiking every day.  Bridger had a great time!  I'm so grateful for his leaders and the time they devote to their callings.

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