Monday, January 21, 2019

Bowling with the S's

Tiffani and Layne went on a cruise and needed some help with their boys.  We love their boys so it was no big deal to have them stay with us for a few days.  They're such good boys and get along so well with our boys.  Plus, Bridger and Thomas have similar schedules because of basketball.  On Monday, the kids were out of school and it was our last day with them.  So sweet Tiff gave us a gift card to the bowling alley.  We went bowling!!  I was worried that it was going to be busy because it was a holiday but it was dead!  It was us and one other family.  We used two lanes.  Tanner and I used the lane with bumpers.  Even with bumpers, I still couldn't get above 100.  We played a couple of games.  Everyone had a good time!

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