Thursday, September 6, 2018

Tanner's Turn for School

Tanner has been so excited to start school.  We went with a new preschool this fall.  We loved Ms. Ginger but I didn't want to repeat the same curriculum.  We went with Tiff and Jen's recommendation.   Originally Ms. Nicole wasn't going to teach anymore but then she changed her mind.  We were so glad she decided to teach one more year.  Tanner picked out a Lightening McQueen backpack.  He looks so handsome!  He's also doing a kindergarten readiness program online.  Lilly did the program and loved it.  He has to work on the computer doing their program five days a week for at least 15 minutes.  It focuses on reading for the first 20 minutes and then he can do math and science activities.  He really enjoys it.
Shantelle gave me a letter board for my birthday.  I love it!
Tanner came running out of his school when I picked him up.  He loved his first day with Ms. Nicole.  I posted this picture on instagram and Kip texted me and asked where his school was because it looked ghetto to her.  It made me laugh so hard!  

After school, I took Tanner to Wendy's to celebrate his first day of school.  (His teacher gave him a certificate for a free frosty).  Tanner loves to dip French fries in his frosty.  He ate almost the entire large fry and small frosty.  Afterwards, we picked up Bridger and went and played at the park.

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