Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Peach Party!!!

We made over 55 jars of peach jam.  We made three pots of the jam (with each pot have a double recipe batch).  My kids don't like the chunks in the jam so we pureed my batch.  They love the jam!  It turned out the best we've ever made.
Shan, Mylissa and Marilyn showed up to mom's around 10:00.  We got right to work with our peach factory.  It made it go really quickly with everyone helping out.  Dad bought 6 boxes of peaches.  We ended up with over 92 jars of beautiful peaches.  Dad is so sweet to help us out.  He's in charge of the processing.  He set up a station outside the garage and was very efficient.  He had three processors going at one time.  We had a hard time staying up with him.  Even though I was dreading it, it ended up being a great day.  I didn't have anything going on so Tanner and I were able to spend the whole day doing peaches.  We were able to get so much done.  We were exhausted by the end of the day but at least we got it all done.

We use Grandma Taylor's peach jam recipe.  After making it, I realized why it's so good.  Because half of the ingredients are sugar.

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