Thursday, November 9, 2017

Wonderful Visit

Kip’s Dad, Larry was in town.  They wanted to come up and see us amen our new house.  They arrived around 11:45.  When she got out of the car, she gave me a big hug and we both startd to cry.  I gave them a tour of our house.  They were so complimentary of everything.  Sweet Kip brought me a couple of “Le Cruset” items for my new kitchen for a house warming gift.  Kip is always so thoughtful.  We went and ate lunch at the hostlital because we were hoping Matt and Michael would get a break and be able to see us.  (Layne and Tiff were in Hawaii).  It worked out perfectly because Matt was able to eat with us.  After lunch, we came back to our house and visited.  The kids were getting out of school so they stopped by so they could give Kip a hug (we were missing Nicholas and Jen’s older two kids). Thomas was staying with us so he rode the bus home with Bridger.  Hailee and Katie even stopped by.  I loved sitting around talking and catching up on everything.  Kip is such a wonderful person.  She has one of the most loving hearts and always sees the good in people.  I have missed her so much.

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