Thursday, June 15, 2017

We have rock!!!

Our rock crew finally came and started the rock.  This spring we drove around for hours looking at different rock.  We found a rock on a home show last summer that we really liked called "Grey Pearl by Creative Mines."  Originally we were trying to pick a rock brand that our contractor wanted us to.  But we couldn't find anything that we loved.  The rock seemed to have so much red and orange undertones.  So we told our contractor about our dilemma and he checked with his rock supplier.  Chris came back with great news telling us that his rock supplier would match the price of the other rock.  We were so happy!  It took us a little bit of time to finalize which color of the rock we should do but in the end we went with the same rock that we saw in the home show.

We were so excited when they showed up to put on the rock.  I went over later that night to see the rock and I had a little breakdown.  There were orange spots all over the rock.  It looked like our rock was painted with orange polka dots.  So I texted Chris and told him my concerns.  He arranged a meeting with the rock supplier the following morning at 7:30.  I came over right after I had dropped Chase off at school.  When I came over and looked at the rock it looked 100% better.  I couldn't see the orange spots!  I showed the rock guy the home show pictures and said "this is not my rock!" The rock guy said that they use a paint to cover up the orange spots.  He showed me the paint and actually painted some on the orange spots.  It blends in with the rock so you can't even tell.  Everyone sighed a big sigh of relief!!!!!

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