Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bridger's Bear Award

For pack meeting, they did a water bottle launch.  Bridger took a 1 liter soda pop bottle and then decorated.  (It had been a busy week so he decorated it right before the event).  When we showed up, Bridger was feeling bad about his rocket because it wasn't very fancy.  A few people took this really seriously and put fins on their rockets and really decked them out.  Even though Bridger's was simple, it went really high in the air.  It was one of the best rockets!!!

Bridger earned his "Bear" award at pack meeting.  He's worked really hard with his scout leaders.  His scout leaders, Brother and Sister Crocket have been wonderful with him.  They've been so good to work on the requirements during scouts.  Bridger really enjoys going to scouts.

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