Monday, June 15, 2015

Bridger and Chase's Scout Camp

Parker, Jamison, Chase, Joseph, Sam C, Sam B, Brenden and Easton
A week after we moved, our old ward was having their scout camp.  So we got permission for Chase to come back and go to their scout camp with all of his fiends.  We came down Sunday night so I could drop him off at 6:00!!  He stayed at scout camp Monday and then came home Friday night with his friend Brenden.  Then Shan took Chase up to Island Park on Saturday with her.  Chase had a great time at scout camp.  He earned several merritt badges.  It was perfect for Chase to have one last party with his friends!!

It worked out perfectly because Bridger's scout group was going to JJ camp on the same Monday that Chase left.  I dropped Chase off and then I went over to the church and dropped Bridger off at 6:30.  Bridger was so happy to see his friends again even though it had only been a week.  When he got out of the car, all of his friends ran over to him and surrounded him in a big hug.  Bridger spent half a day at JJ camp and loved every minute of it.  He got to use a bow and arrow, pull a handcart, row a boat, shoot a riffle and make a craft. He had a great time!

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