Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  The leprechauns came to our house during the night and left some gold and some green treats.  The boys had fun following the gold coins and looking around the house for some green treats.  The leprechauns did a couple of naughty things....they used our toilets and drank some of our milk (the milk was green)!!!

 Chase and Bridger shared their treats with Tanner.  I think he likes St. Patrick's day!
 Noah was staying with us for a few days so he got to witness all the excitement.  Bridger loved having Noah stay with us!!!  Noah was so sweet and helped Bridger with his homework.  Bridger snuggled right up to Noah and did his reading with him.  Noah was a huge help while we was with us because I would put Tanner down for a nap in the morning and then go bike riding.  It was awesome!!!  Then my friend Michelle got admitted to the hospital and he babysat Tanner while I went to go see her.  He was darling about helping out.  I told Noah that he could stay anytime with us!!!!

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