Monday, January 5, 2015

Tanner 8 Months Old!

Tanner is 8 months!  I can't believe how fast the time is going by.   He's rolling all over the place.  He no longer just lays on a blanket.  He's also in the beginning stages of crawling!!!  He stretches out his body and tries to reach as far as his little arm can go.  Then he pushes with one of his back legs but it throws his balance off and his falls on his arms.  He gets up on his hands and knees but then goes back on his tummy to reach for something.  He's playing with toys better.  He LOVES his walker.  He's figured out how to get all around the house in the walker.  He started off pushing with both feet and moving his body to try to get it to move.  But now he's actually walking.  It's so fun to see his little feet move so fast.  It reminds me of the Flinstones.  Tanner is eating baby food three times a day.  He eats a fruit for breakfast and lunch and then a fruit and a vegetable for dinner.  We've learned that he doesn't like rice cereal mixed in his vegetable.  At first we thought he didn't like vegetables, but then Matt figured out that it's the rice cereal.  We mix it with his fruit and he does fine with it.  He's started to eat Cheerios and he gets so excited when you pull the yellow box out.  He's figured out how to pick up a cheerio or a puff and put it into his mouth.  It's been so fun to watch him figure this out.  He started off picking them up but then he couldn't figure out how to release it into his mouth.  When I fix a smoothie for the boys in the morning, I'll feed some to Tanner.   He loves it and can't open his mouth wide enough.  He's like a little bird.  He's babbling all the time.  He likes to growl with his voice.  He smacks his lips together and clicks his tongue.  It's so cute.

He typically takes two naps a day.  His morning nap is around 9-10:00 and he sleeps for 2-3 hours!!  Then he takes an afternoon nap around 1-2:00 and sleeps for 1-2 hours depending on how noisy the house is.  He still likes to pull the blanket over his head when he's sleeping.  It makes me so nervous!  I try to pull it down but he pulls it back over his head.  When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap, he plays with a couple of stuffed animals that are in his crib (Mickey, Minnie and Goofey).  He's happy as can be when he wakes up.  Whenever he sees Sophie he lets out a little laugh.  It's so cute!  He'll roll over to Sophie and grab the tags on her collar.  Sophie is so good to just let him.  He's sitting up so well by himself.   He still cries when the bottle is finished.  But becomes content as soon as I put the binki in his mouth.    His top front teeth are trying to poke through.  His bottom front teeth have grown in really well and are very visible.

Tanner likes to play ball with Sophie.  He loves this rubbery pink ball but so does Sophie.  Sophie will bring it over to him and then Tanner takes the ball out of her mouth and tries to throw the ball.  It turns into a little game for both of them.  (I've had to get over the germ factor).

Tanner still loves his baths.  He's learning how to splash and boy can he splash.  Water goes everywhere but he gets so excited with the splashing.  He likes to play with his bath toys.  Right now he just likes to suck on them and throw them in the water.

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