Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Handsome Boys - Tanner 6 months

I took Bridger and Chase out of school to take pictures with Tanner.  I needed to do Tanner's 6 month pictures so I brought the boys along.  I scheduled the appointment for 2:30 and it was the wrong time for Tanner.  He only had one big smile for the us, but he wasn't looking at the camera.  The rest of the time he was Mr. Serious!  He sometimes would do a little half smile but I just didn't feel like we captured his happy personality.  The photography place was awesome and said to bring Tanner back for a reshoot.  So after our Orlando trip, I brought just Tanner in for a quick 10 minute reshoot and it went so much better!!!  It's so hard to time everything.  He was much more cooperative!  We got lots of smiles this time!  The pictures of Chase and Bridger turned out really well.  They look so grown up in their pictures!

She took a couple of silly pictures of Chased and Bridger jumping in the air at the same time.  Bridger loved it!  Bridger brought a couple of Star Wars figures in with him.  While she was taking pictures of Tanner she looked over at Bridger playing with his figures and took a few pictures.  He loves his Star Wars "guys."
These pictures are the retakes of Tanner.  This is the happy baby that I know!!!

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