Monday, July 7, 2014

Tanner 2 Months Old

Tanner is two months old.  We took him to his 2 month old check up with Dr. Cox.  When we put Tanner on the exam table, the assistant said "Wow!  He's my biggest 2 month old today!"  He weighs 13.4 pounds (67%) and is 23.5 inches long (66%).  His head circumfrence is in the 52%.  Dr. Cox said everything looks great!  Tanner is right on track.  He's a very healthy two month old.  His first smile was while we were at the cabin on June 28th.  Matt brought him inside the cabin and put him on the couch.  Matt was smiling and talking to Tanner and Tanner totally smiled back at Matt.  It was very exciting.  Every day he smiles more and more!!!  His best time to smile is first thing in the morning when you get him out of his bed.  He's so happy!

He likes to sit in the bumbo seat that Shantelle lent us. It's fun because I put him on the counter and he watches the boys eat their breakfast or he watches me fix food.  He can't have a full belly when we put him in that chair because he spits up all over the place.  Normally he doesn't spit up very much.  He's still on the Kirkland formula and is doing really well on that.  Every now and then he'll have a really good spit up.  He likes to sit in the swing.  It makes it really nice when he falls asleep in it.  I've been trying to work on a schedule and it's been very difficult because we haven't had a schedule with it being summer!  But that will come.  A couple days after his doctor's appointment, Tanner slept until 5:30 A.M.!  He's getting more consistent and sleeping until 5:00-7:00 A.M.  He goes to sleep around 8:00-10:00P.M.  I'm so grateful he's not waking up at 2-3:00 because that is brutal!  My body is a lot happier getting more sleep!

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