Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

 Monday night for family home evening, we carved our pumpkins.  Shantelle had a little pumpkin patch in her garden so we picked one from her patch.  For Halloween, Chase dressed up as a "zombie" football player.  I didn't really know what he had in mind for the Zombie thing, but I bought some face paint and it worked out pretty well.  chase was happy with the end results.  I just painted his face like he told me to do.  Bridger wanted to be Commander Cody, a Star Wars Clone Trooper.  I love the picture of Bridger posing with his imaginary gun.

Matt went trick-o-treating with the boys.  Chase had a couple of friends go with them.  They set a new record for how long they were out for.  They started around 6:00 and didn't come home until 8:30!  They had over a hundred pieces of candy!!!!  Luckily the weather was nice and warm so they didn't have to wear coats.  It was a perfect night for trick-o-treating.  Shantelle and Robby came to our house for a quick stop.  Aliyah was princess Sophia.  Aliyah helped me pass out candy for a little bit.

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