Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bridger's first time skiing!

 I took the boys skiing today.  We haven't had much snow this season but I has hoping that a recent storm would help us out.  We quickly learned that it had rained instead of snowed so the snow was really icey but I believe the saying that "the worst day of skiing is better than the best day at work."  Today was Bridger's first time skiing.  He tried snowboarding last year with Uncle Mike and Mike recommend skiing this year.  So Bridger took a ski lesson for a couple of hours when we first got there and Chase and I took off together.  It took Chase a little while to remember his snowboarding skills but he did great.  He has worked so hard learning how to snowboard.  Mike has done an amazing job teaching Chase.  After lunch, Bridger came with us.  I was completely shocked with how quickly Bridger had learned skiing.  He tore off down the mountain. He is a speed demon.  He's still learning how to turn so he likes to  head straight down the mountain and not turn.  It was such a fun day skiing with the boys.  Matt was at an anesthesia conference so he wasn't able to come.  Skiing brings back wonderful memories to me.   I remember Mom would make lunch for us while we were getting ready in the morning and Dad would load up the car.  We would have such fun days skiing together as a family. We would have good talks on the lift.  Dad was always so patient with us. I hope I can make the same memories with my boys.  

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