Friday, August 26, 2011

Bridger's Birthday party

Bridger has been talking about his birthday party since March.  I was hoping that he would count bowling as his party.  But a few weeks later he asked when he could have his "friends" party.  So I quickly threw a party together for him.  He wanted to go to Kangaroo Zoo with his best friends, Brody and Bronco.  We call them the three musketeers.  Mom brought Maddy and Julie down for a little bit cause Mylissa's in the hospital with the new baby.  Bridger doesn't like cake so instead he picked out fat boy mint ice cream sandwiches.   He was so excited to open his presents.  They kids had so much fun at Kangaroo Zoo.  When we first arrived there was just a handful of other kids.  I was surprised that it wasn't busier.  It never got very busy.  They kids had so much fun!  They ran around jumping and sliding on everything for a couple of hours.  Bridger was so happy!

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