Tuesday, November 12, 2019

UANA Jazz Game

The UANA had a meeting before a Jazz game started.  Chase couldn't miss basketball so we just brought Tanner and Bridger with us.  We talked to Rob to see if he had any extra tickets.  They were so sweet and worked it out for Bridger and Tanner to use two of their tickets.  As a trade, we brought Caleb and Julie.  Our boys were so excited to have their cousins come with them!!!  They sat in Rob's seats and had so much fun!  We went to C. B. before the game.  Matt had a member of the board cancel at the last minute so he offered the seats to Layne and Thomas.  I took Thomas with me and met up at half time to get everyone a treat.  There happened to be an extra seat right next to where the kids were sitting.  So we let Thomas go sit with them for the second half.  It was a fun night for everyone.

I love this picture with everyone's big smiles.  I love how Tanner has his arm around Caleb. 

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