Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tanner's Fun Art Projects

Tanner's been able to make a lot of fun art projects in school.  He's learning so many fun things.

This past summer, Chase has been into cliff and bridge jumping.  Tanner got a doodle pad and he drew this picture of Chase cliff jumping.  It's quite accurate.  It made us laugh.

In October, Tanner's class made Frankenstiens.  At parent teacher conferences, Tanner pointed out his creation.

In November, Tanner's class learned about the pilgrims and the Indians.  Tanner drew his Indian and then spelled his names with beans.
In November, Tanner's class had a party and I was in charge of it.  There were a few other moms that helped out.  I found this cute craft idea online.  This is what we did at my station.  The kids really enjoyed it and were creative with the colored squares.

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